TENJO Internship

The TENJO internship is a practical program where various members brainstorm and work together for a given period of time to decide on a topic, research it, come up with a business plan, and implement it.
The topic for the first installment, held in the summer of 2023, was inbound tourism. Many tourists from overseas visit Kanazawa, but what are they ultimately looking for, and what do they enjoy when here? The group narrowed its focus to cuisine, deepened its understanding, and used this to brainstorm possible business ideas.
During the program, actual inbound tourists were surveyed with a questionnaire, and tourism industry experts and foreign residents of Ishikawa Prefecture were interviewed. The planning and operation of the program were led by Danish staff, which gave us new insights into how those from abroad view Kanazawa. Drawing from those insights, participants considered what kinds of services would be a good fit and shared those ideas with each other.